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Looking at the eastern part of Verona,with its soft hills,which frame the villages and stooping for a while along the roads flanked with cherry trees, olive trees and vegetable gardens, it is easy to guess which the typical products of that area are.

The beas
One of the most interesting product of the area are the beas of Colognola ai Colli.
The beas are also suitable to make many local dishes as the famous "Lasagne coi bisi" (Lasagne with beas) ,and "Risi e bisi" (rice with beas).
During the third weekend of May at Colognola ai Colli takes place "The beas' festival". The importance of this product in the economy of the village is testified also by the Carnival tradition, which elect the Biso King and the Lasagna Queen, which are the most typical masks.

piselli - strada del vino soave
The cherries
During Easter's period, hundreds and hundreds of white cherry trees are in bloom in the green meadows, and they herald every year the beginning of the good season.
The cherry tree has a quick growth, but it is not a long-lived one, in fact it does never live more than a century. It needs a temperate climate, it is very rural ,it adapts itself to several types of soils, except the argillaceous and the damp ones.
ciliege - strada del vino soave
A widespread local rural tradition is to put the thickest cherries "in alcohol", in the grape with same sugar. Usually they will be eat after some months, better if during winter, as cure to the strenghtening action.
The red fruits are celebrated in june at Cazzano di Tramigna, at Montecchia di Crosara and at San Giovanni Ilarione.
Very famous is the "mora di Cazzano", one of the most remarkable qualities in the world. nella grappa con dello zucchero.

The olives
A very excellent product of this area, is the extra-virgin oil. The hills of the eastern part of Verona, thanks to a fair climate and to their particular composition of the soil, they represent the ideal habitat to cultivate olives growing, from which you obtain a high-quality oil, very appreciated as salad oil, it is characterized of a high-resistance to high temperature, a quality that makes a good digestibleness easy.
The extraction of the oil is possible thanks to traditional fixtures or continouus ones.
The oil that you obtain has got a colour that could be green-gold or yellow, it has got a fruity smell and also a fruity taste with a light sensation of bitterness and with a musky aftertaste. The total maximum acidity never exceeds 0,6%.
.olivi  - strada del vino soave

tartufo - strada del vino soave
The truffle
Another excellent product that you can find in this area is the truffle,picked especially in the highest part of Val d'Illasi and in Lessinia.. With this product the restaurants here take their pick to create tasty and particular recipes: as "rice with truffle", "tagliolini with truffle" and so on.

The snails
The snails are another product, with which you make many and delicious recipes.
The snails take a long and laborious preparation and cooking. According to a local tradition the snails must cook for eight hours in an earthenware pan, in which before you have to fry all togheter some oil, some butter and some lard. At half way through the cooking add some garlic and parsley.

Questo portale si propone di far conoscere a tutto il mondo la quantità di ricchezze naturali, enogastronomiche, storiche ed artistiche di queste zone. Ringraziamo tutti gli operatori e i cittadini che ci hanno aiutato e coloro che vorranno fornirci informazioni, materiale e quant’altro possa servire per rendere questo portale sempre più ricco e aggiornato.